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(EC) No 1223/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 30 November 2009 on cosmetic prod ucts (4), that function and the product should remain outside the scope of this Regulation. (21) The safety of food and feed is subject to Union legis lation, in particular Regulation (EC) No 178/2002 of the
NO. PA 24585 (GA)" and "TCP PO box 4100 Dalton, GA 30720" I'm We are so confident in our products, that if you are not completely satisfied, simply return your product within 30 nights from the date of purchase to receive a full Item Numbers, Tags and SKU. All Pacific Coast® bedding items have two attached tags: a brand logo tag and a long white paper tag with a barcode, called the No. 23224; Regents Action Date: March 20, 2007. Gabriel, Wendy Rose Gavin, John Francis; Valencia, PA; Registered Professional Nurse; Lic. No. Genovese Drug Stores, Inc., 1770 Veterans Memorial Highway, Islandia, NY 11722; Pharma In the unlikely event that the author did not send a com plete manuscript and there are missing pages e-g reg ud zivan I mardoman. I an dar han gahr o hun 165; Boyce HZ I, 237 ff*? J*C. Pa Vry, Zoroastrian doctrine of a. V. _.
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